Saturday, 25 June 2011


The smell of damp earth 
underneath trees
mingles with honeysuckle and 
wild roses
life tastes 

blackbird fly, blackbird fly...

“I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.” 
Joseph Addison
'Morning has broken Like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken Like the first bird.'
'All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise'

“The wild Bee reels from bough to bough With his furry coat and his gauzy wing, Now in a lily cup, and now Setting a jacinth bell a-swing, In his wandering.”
Oscar Wilde 

Friday, 24 June 2011

After the rain...

 Hello again! 
Here's something I wrote earlier today when I was sitting on my bench, enjoying the sunshine for a few moments...

After the rain...
Summertime rain brings flowers
 and life
To once parched and barren
Gardens are alive
With a blaze of colour
Lifting spirits high...
Sitting for a while
I soak it all up
With gratitude and
Refreshed and 
Tranquility returns.
What was lost
Is found.

(24th June 2011)