Saturday, 2 April 2011

30 day photo challenge... Day 3

Day 3 - Sunshine
There's something so satisfying about hanging washing on the line to dry in the sunshine - I love that lovely fresh smell...

every day i write the book...

" Life is like a book with many chapters we call seasons. 
Some chapters tell the story of love, drama, comedy, mystery, loss, adversity, growth, disappointment, triumph, etc. Some chapters are dull and ordinary, others intense and exciting. 
The key to enduring, persevering and being hopeful is to never stop on a difficult page, to never quit on a book or a chapter that seems too long. 
Some chapters may be sweet but too short. 
Your words, thoughts, actions, non-action and choices are the pens that write the pages in your book. 
Have the courage and faith to keep turning the pages believing better chapters lie ahead. 
... Trust. Listen. Believe. ... 
Activate your gifts and talents. 
Be creative. Be kind. Be patient. Be faithful. Be grateful. Be fruitful."
~ Diamond Taylor 

Friday, 1 April 2011

30 day photo challenge... Day 2

Day 2: 'Today'
 It's nice to have my cake and eat it!...

The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce. 
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Photo Challenge - Day 1

Day 1: Reflection / Shadow
This is a reflection in the mirror in Iona's bedroom. 
Her room is bursting with light, life & creativity - just like she is! x

30 day photo challenge...

... I'm enjoying doing the '30 day song challenge' on facebook so much that I decided to set myself a photo challenge too...
Anyone is welcome to join in, but you'll probably have to post the photos into your own blog, then share them via a link in a comment - have fun!

Here are my categories
  1. Reflection / shadow
  2.  ‘Today’
  3. Sunshine
  4. Music
  5. Red
  6. Cloud
  7. Home
  8. Day trip
  9. Sunrise or sunset or night or moon
  10. Nature - plant, tree,  bird, animal, etc
  11. Rainy day
  12. Yellow
  13. Fun, laughter, carefree, play, pleasure, etc
  14. Picture within a picture / picture that tells a story
  15. Words
  16. People / a person
  17. Loss / lost
  18.  Me / identity
  19. Blue
  20. Risk / fear
  21. Purple
  22. Broken / derelict / abandoned...
  23. A picture from, or of, childhood
  24. Black
  25. Somewhere outside today
  26. Green
  27. Something I made / did / drew / etc
  28. Travel. transport / journeys
  29. Fashion, culture, making a statement, art, graffiti, etc
  30. Peace, tranquillity 

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

spring in my step...

More signs of spring in my backyard...
'In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.'  ~ Margaret

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Bee in spring...

Despite being terrified of them when I was younger, I really love bees.
I was delighted to spot this little fellow in my back yard just now.
Spring is in the air - although it is a lot cooler today... 

being mindful...

"At the moment of waking up,
before getting out of bed,
get in touch with your breath,
feel the various sensations in your body,
note any thoughts and feeling that maybe present,
let mindfulness touch this moment,
Can you feel your breath?
Can you perceive the dawning of each in-breath?
Can you enjoy the feeling of the breath freely
entering your body in this moment?
“Breathe-in: I smile,
breathe-out: I calm my body,
dwelling in the present moment,
it is a wonderful moment.”

Thich Nhat Hanh 

Monday, 28 March 2011

Monday morning...

A new week begins;
Like a leaf bud unfolding
It bursts into life...

Have a great week!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Easy like...

...Sunday morning

I love Sundays... that laid back feeling, when it doesn't really matter what time it is... cups of coffee, pyjamas, snoozing cats... toast... music drifting round... soaking in the bath... wandering by the sea... reading yesterday's newspapers... just 'being', rather than 'doing'... watching people walk, run, or cycle by ... having something nice to eat... basically just enjoying each moment as it drifts past...

Anyway, here are some sunday morning haikus and photos from this morning:


 Bathed in the sunshine,
Cleo greets me with a yawn;
Then goes back to sleep...


Sunlight fills the room.
Shadows come to life and dance
Along with the dust...

The scattered petals
Remind me of confetti.
Loss is everywhere...