Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Rainbow Child...

Don't miss all the beautiful colours of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold - Unknown.

This afternoon I went to see 'Jane Eyre', and this is what was waiting for me when I got home!
A beautiful rainbow that was so big I had to take two photos to capture the whole thing!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Feeling fruity...

It is such a lovely feeling to gather homegrown apples and plums in the September sunshine, and then turn them into something tasty... In fact this turned out to be so tasty that Iona, who can be quite fussy when it comes to food, actually declared that it was the nicest pudding she's ever had. Quite an accomplishment! So, without further ado, here's the recipe, below (the quantities are quite approximate, as I made it up as I went along, so feel free to adjust it as you see fit)...

Apple and Plum Crumble

3-4 large cooking apples
approx half a pound of plums
lemon juice
brown sugar

1oz porridge oats or muesli
8oz SR wholemeal flour, or a mix of wholemeal and white
4-5oz vegan margarine
5oz brown sugar
1oz chopped nuts

  1. Preheat oven to 200c / gas mark 6.
  2. Grease a baking dish.
  3. Peel, core and chop up apples. Place them in the dish and sprinkle 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice and 1 dessert spoon of sugar over the apple. Grate some cinnamon over the top, or use some ground cinnamon.
  4. Stone and slice the plums and add to the apple mixture, along with another dessert spoon of brown sugar. Mix well.
  5. Put muesli/oats and flour in a bowl and mix well.
  6.  Rub in the margarine.
  7. Mix in the sugar.
  8. Add the chopped nuts and mix well.
  9. Spoon the crumble mix over the fruit.
  10. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  11. Eat and enjoy! Try it with Swedish glace vegan ice-cream!


introducing... more shadows...

just another photo from this morning - I didn't want to mix landscape ones with portrait...

(I was trying to be clever with the title there... entroducing, by dj shadow.. hmm...!)

In the shadows...

I took these photos this morning - mainly of shadows the sun was making around the room while I was enjoying my mug of coffee...