Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome to Project 366 - Day 1 !

Hello! Happy New Year!

Well, a new year has begun, and I'm starting another project - time will tell how long I manage to stick to it! Another photo challenge - this time I've decided to take a photo each day this year and upload it to my blog. I'll maybe add it to flickr as well, but I don't want to be having to post it to too many different places, or that will make it too complicated, and it will be straying too far from the simplicity of the project that is so appealing- one photo, once a day, for one year...

Here is today's photo:

Whitley Bay Beach ~ #Project366 ~ 1/366

If you're on Twitter, there are lots of other people also doing this - look for #project366
If you decide to join in, post a link as a comment!


  1. I do hope you keep this up Ali,

    I, for one, will look forward to following it.

    I love the first photo :)

    Happy New Year


  2. aw, thank you David!
    I hope I keep it up too!
    I started a 30 day photo challenge last year, but didn't manage every day of that, so here's hoping I'll somehow manage 366 days!

    Happy New Year to you too,
    Ali xx
